Ceridwen mutters, "To peek or not to peek... well maybe Alyra is back there. Or it could be a monster." She ambles toward the open door.
"Okay Ceri, nothing scary about a garden. Helloooo back there! Anyone home?"
Alyra is currently on a hair trigger, determined to give the being in the corner in front of her every chance to prove itself non-hostile, but also determined not to die if she can possibly avoid it. Her intense focus is suddenly shattered by the loud yet tentative call of a familiar voice. Her reaction is somewhat predictable...
Once she has peeled herself off the cave roof, she takes up her stance again, but calls over her shoulder, "Ceri? Is that you?"
"Alyra?" Ceri calls back, "Finally a friendly face - uh, voice! You left this door open, can I come back there?"
"Um... yeah... sure. We seem to have a visitor. I'm just trying to determine what kind of visitor."
Alyra peers back into the gloom, trying to see if her "guest" is still there. With all the commotion, it's entirely possible... well, anything is possible. I am definitely out of practice, she thinks to herself, to let my concentration go like that.
Ceri heads out into the back garden, only to find Alyra nowhere in sight. "Uh, where are you?"
"In here," Alyra says helpfully.
Ceri's head whips around to stare at the vine-covered wall from which Alyra's voice emanates. After a moment of hesitation, she walks over and pulls the living curtain aside. Inside it is dark and most definitely a cave.
The darkness lessens slightly when Ceri pulls aside the vines, and Alyra glances back. "Great to see you, Ceri! And just in time. I don't know who's in here, but there is someone." Alyra nods towards the corner of the cave. "And I was trying not to um... well, I guess they know we're here now..."
Ceri blinks owlishly at Alyra. "Er, good to see you, but you don't expect me to come in there do you?" She looks over at the corner Alyra indicated. "Besides, I only see rocks...."
Alyra blinks at her, then turns back and peers into the gloom. "But I could have sworn..." Alyra takes a step forward, then another step, and examines the corner more closely.
"There was someone, or something, there, I'm certain of it. I knew I shouldn't have lost my concentration. Now we may never find out what, or who, it was."
Ceri gives her a sheepish grin, "Well shall we head back into open, well-lit territory then?"
Alyra looks at her, then looks back into the cave. "Wait, don't you want to help me find out who our visitor was? He - or she - or it - can't have gotten far."
Ceri blinks owlishly at Alyra and repeats, "You don't expect me to come in there do you?"
"Um... why not?"
"Because... it's a cave. And it's dark. And it's a cave."
"Oh." Alyra looks at her friend, not quite sure what to make of that. "Ceri... it's not like you've never been in a cave before... I mean, I distinctly remember on the old island of Port Solice, when we were fighting those things in the tomb in the mines... I mean, you were there... right?"
"Yes, and then the ceiling fell in!"
"Oh. Yeah... it kinda did, didn't it?" Alyra is not sure she actually remembers that part. "But... but we got out again that time."
"That time," Ceri repeats flatly, and frantically searches for an excuse.
Alyra tries to remember what happened the few times she was in the Dwarven Mine in old Solice. "Ceri, we fought the creatures that were in there - the statue, and the mummy, and... and the third one, whatever that was. The sand creature, I think. I was sure you were there then; and the ceiling didn't collapse..."
"What?" Ceri frowns, "I don't remember any of that!"
Alyra thinks hard for a moment, then sighs. "Well, I thought I remembered you being there. Maybe I am mistaken."
Ceri quickly changes the subject. "I've been thinking of starting a tarot reading table, but I haven't found a good place for my tent yet, much less decided if I really want to invite people to come by my personal space at any time. Could I borrow a corner of your bookshop and set up a table? Temporarily at least?"
"Oh, sure! I think there's room in the side area there, where I used to meet with the bards. Nice big table and everything. Want to go inside and take a look? I think our friend is probably long gone..." Alyra peers once more into the darkness, then sighs and turns to leave the cave.
"Wonderful! Thank you so much! I'll get started right away!" And suddenly Alyra is plunged back into green-tinged gloom as Ceri lets go of the vines and takes off like a bat out of - well nevermind. Alyra finds her way barred by the sudden closure and reflexively reaches up to her nose, then grins lopsidedly. "I always do that. At least this time it wasn't a solid door."
Post composed from RP by Ceri and Alyra in consultation with Budster Bashly.