Port Luskan

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Author:  Marae [ Wed Jan 19, 2011 6:49 am ]
Post subject:  Avatars

We can have avatars of our characters on this board, like the ones I have for Marae and Alyra. You upload the avatar (which must be at least 20 x 20 pixels but no more than 90 x 90 pixels in size) in your User Control Panel, under your Profile settings. I used jpegs and they worked fine. I don't know off hand what other formats are supported, but presumably gifs would also work.

If anyone would like help with their avatar, let me know. If you can't find a suitable image, I have pictures I took of many of you from Port Luskan in Second Life, and I can also take pictures in WoW if that is the avatar image you'd prefer.

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